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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Selasa, 27 November 2012

kisah takiya genji

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inilah sang Mangaka pencipta Crows dan Worst


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CROWS yang tak lain bila diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia adalah GAGAK yang sangat cocok untuk merepresentasikan para siswa di Suzuran High School . Salah satu maha karya dari Takahashi Hiroshi ini menceritakan seorang pemuda bernama Bouya Harumichi yang pindah alias ditransfer ke sekolah ini. Tempat dimana hanya orang-orang terburuk berkumpul di Suzuran High School. Karena kelakuan para siswa di sekolah tersebut mirip dengan burung gagak, maka Suzuran pun mendapat julukan sebagai "Crows High School" . Satu-satunya hal yang dikejar para kaum marjinal tersebut adalah kekuatan! Dimana bila dapat meraih kekuatan tersebut, maka akan mendapat pengakuan dari para berandalan lain . Cerita berawal dari Bouya yang menolong salah satu murid Suzuran High School yang bernama Yasuda. Pertolongan itu dilakukan oleh Bouya tak lain dan tak bukan hanya untuk bisa berkenalan dengan kakak perempuan Yasuda yang cantik . Lalu bagaimana Bouya menghadapi berbagai macam permasalahan yang muncul? Padahal Bouya termasuk orang gila yang tidak bertanggung jawab

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Salah satu komik/manga karangan Takahashi Hiroshi yang masih berkutat pada Suzuran High School . Komik yang sampai sekarang ini belum tamat dan masih digarap oleh Takahashi Hiroshi menceritakan 2 tahun setelah para tokoh di CROWS lulus sekolah dan bercerita mengenai seorang pemuda bernama Tsukishima Hana yang berasal dari daerah yang sinyal handphone saja tidak ada, yang setelah lulus SMP masuk ke Suzuran High School . Cerita didalamnya pun masih tak jauh dari komik CROWS yang sudah ditamat di no. 26 . Masih berkutat persaingan atau rivalitas Suzuran dengan Housen Gakuen School , persahabatan antar teman , hingga generasi terhebat dari The Front of Armament . Disini, Takahashi Hiroshi pun cukup jeli untuk mengarang cerita dimana tidak hanya berkutat pada tokoh utama saja, yaitu Tsukishima Hana. Namun beliau mengembangkan cerita para berandalan di Housen , hingga para anggota T.F.O.A sehingga memberi efek cerita dalam komik WORST menjadi sangat beragam!

Crows Zero
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Crows Zero diangkat dari manga karangan Takahashi Hiroshi berjudul Crows. Cerita berjalan sekitar 1 tahun sebelum Crows bro . Crows Zero menceritakan seorang laki-laki bernama Genji Takiya yang baru pindah di Suzuran High School, sekolah khusus laki-laki yang terkenal isinya siswa berandalan dan hobi berkelahi . Genji Takiya pun berambisi untuk menjadi penguasa satu-satunya di Suzuran ini, cara paling gampang adalah dengan mengalahkan pihak atau faksi yang mendominasi Suzuran, salah satunya faksi Serizawa. Namun untuk dapat mengalahkan Tamao Serizawa dan pengikutnya, Genji harus mempunyai pengikut juga . Berbagai cara pun dilakukan Genji untuk mendapatkan pengikut, mulai dari cara sopan , kasar sampai cara kocak pun dilakukan Genji untuk mendapat pengikut. Nah pertanyaannya adalah bisakah Genji mendapatkan pengikut dan dapat mengalahkan faksi Serizawa untuk menguasai Suzuran High School ???

Timeline :
kelas 3 (senior) : Takiya Genji, Tamao Serizawa, Chuuta Tamura, Takashi Makise, Shun Izaki, Tokio Tatsukawa, Yuji Tokaji, Shōji Tsutsumoto, Manabu dan Takeshi Mikami (Mikami Brother),
kelas 2 (sophomore) : Megumi Hayashida (Rindaman), Hideto Bandou, Senda Naoki, Yamazaki Tatsuya,,,
kelas 1 (freshmen) : Kirishima Hiromi, Honjou Toshiaki, Sugihara Makoto (Hiromi, Pon, Mako adalah Trio Ebizuka dan menjadi juara Freshmen War), Akutsu Futoshi,,,

Kelas 3 (senior) : Megumi Hayashida (Rindaman), Hideto Bandou, Senda Naoki, Yamazaki Tatsuya,,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Bouya Harumichi (murid pindahan), Kirishima Hiromi, Honjou Toshiaki, Sugihara Makoto (Hiromi, Pon, Mako adalah Trio Ebizuka), Akutsu Futoshi,,,
Kelas 1 (freshmen) : Yasuda Yasou, , Sagawa Susumu (pindahan dari TFOA)(tidak ada Freshmen War),,,

Kelas 3 (senior) : Bouya Harumichi (murid pindahan), Kirishima Hiromi, Honjou Toshiaki, Sugihara Makoto (Hiromi, Pon, Mako adalah Trio Ebizuka), Akutsu Futoshi,,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Yasuda Yasuo, Hotta (yang mau mukulin Zetton tapi malah ditampol zetton duluan) Sagawa Susumu (pindahan dari TFOA),,,
Kelas 1 (freshmen) : Hanazawa Zaburou (Zetton) (juara Freshmen War), Katou Hideyoshi, Kobayashi Masanari (Masa), Yonezaki Takayuki (Kome), Iwashiro Gunji,,,

*Era Kosong
Kelas 3 (senior) : Yasuda Yasuo, Hotta (yang mau mukulin Zetton tapi malah ditampol zetton duluan) Sagawa Susumu (pindahan dari TFOA),,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Hanazawa Zaburou (Zetton), Katou Hideyoshi, Kobayashi Masanari (Masa), Yonezaki Takayuki (Kome), Iwashiro Gunji,,,
Kelas 1 (freshmen) : Hanaki Guriko (juara Freshmen War), Akutsu Kinji, Kanbe
Yoshikatsu (Butcher), Harada Tokio, Kurosawa Kazumitsu,,,

Kelas 3 (senior) : Hanazawa Zaburou (Zetton), Katou Hideyoshi, Kobayashi Masanari (Masa), Yonezaki Takayuki (Kome), Iwashiro Gunji,,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Hanaki Guriko, Akutsu Kinji, Kanbe
Yoshikatsu (Butcher), Harada Tokio, Kurosawa Kazumitsu,,,
Kelas 1 (freshmen) : Tsukishima Hana (juara Freshmen War), Tominaga Toranosuke, Sakota Takefumi, Mutou Renji, Yaita Ikumi, Ozaki Kenichi, Murakawa Katsuhiro, Asai Takahito, Yamaguchi Ranmaru,,,

Kelas 3 (senior) : Hanaki Guriko, Harada Tokio, Kanbe Yoshikatsu (Butcher), Kurosawa Kazumitsu, Akutsu Kinji, Fukamachi Keita,,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Tsukishima Hana, Sakota Takefumi, Mutou Renji, Yaita Ikumi,Ozaki Kenichi, Murakawa Katsuhiro,Asai Takahiko,Yamaguchi Ranmaru, Iba Akio, Sakai Keiichi, Tominaga Toranosuke,,,
Kelas 1 (freshman) : Daizen Tsutomu, Sawaguchi Masaru (Pudding),Akaike Yuuji (Akaji),Nakamura Ginji, Aoyama Kouji (Aoji), Kakiuchi Tsunemi, Miyahara Takayuki, Kitajima Hideki,,,

Kelas 3 (senior) : Hanaki Guriko, Tsukishima Hana, Sakota Takefumi, Mutou Renji, Yaita Ikumi,Ozaki Kenichi, Murakawa Katsuhiro,Asai Takahiko,Yamaguchi Ranmaru, Iba Akio, Sakai Keiichi, Tominaga Toranosuke,,,
Kelas 2 (sophomore) : Daizen Tsutomu, Sawaguchi Masaru (Pudding),Akaike Yuuji (Akaji),Nakamura Ginji, Aoyama Kouji (Aoji), Kakiuchi Tsunemi, Miyahara Takayuki, Kitajima Hideki,,,
Kelas 1 (freshman) : Sajima Yousuke, Mori Kenichi, Utagawa Tomonori, Nakano Chuuta, Monnai Naoto, Honda Shinji (windam), Yokoyama Shouji (miclas),,,

cerita crows zero

Adachi Daigo: Prematurely taken out of the First Year War by Amachi before the final rounds could commence.
Akaike Yuuji: (AKA Akaji) A freshman at Suzuran during Hana's sophomore year. Having lost to Tsutomu in middle school, Akaji doesn't bother to challenge him during the First Year War, but chooses to follow him instead.
Akutsu Kinji: Younger brother of Akutsu Futoshi. Former information broker and bookie of Suzuran. Often seen h
Hanazawa Saburou: (AKA Zetton) Winner of his terms First Year War. Defeated by Guriko the following year, but still considered to be one of the greatest men in Suzuran's history. Graduated, but planning to return to Suzuran after becoming a teacher. One of the "Big Four".
Harada Tokio: Formally Gunji's second in command. Became the leader of Iwashiro Faction and renamed it the Harada Faction after Gunji's graduation. Currently graduated from Suzuran.
Hashimoto Keita: Prematurely taken out of the First Year War by Amachi before the final rounds could commence.
Inose Hiroshi: Beaten by Yaita in round one of the First Year War.
Itou: Junior of Noma Daigo. Beat up three Housen students in an alley which triggered a series if events that would eventually start the war between Suzuran and Housen.
Iwashiro Gunji: Former head of the Iwashiro Faction, later taken over by Tokio and renamed the Harada Faction. Suzuran graduate. Currently helping out with the family business.
Kanbe Yoshikatsu: (AKA Butcher) Although defeated by Guriko during his semester's Freshmen War, Butcher went on to become the leader of his own faction, the FBI (Fantastic Butcher Ichiban). Recent graduate of Suzuran, his faction remains to this day.
Katou Hideyoshi: Leader of the Hideyoshi Faction. Lost to Zetton in his First Year War. Headed for Tokyo after graduation.
Kawajiri: Junior of Noma Daigo. Beat up three Housen students in an alley which triggered a series if events that would eventually start the war between Suzuran and Housen.
Kobayashi Masanari: (AKA Masa) Close friend of Katou Hideyoshi. Moved to Tokyo after graduation.
Kurosawa Kazumitsu: Considered a lone wolf, Kazumitsu never joined a faction while enrolled at Suzuran. Challenged Guriko in their First Year War, but was defeated. Would later become close friends with Guri and often referred to as his right hand man. Graduate of Suzuran.
Masaoka Satoru: Fought and defeated by Yaita in round one of the First Year War.
Murakawa Katsuhiro: His fight and subsequent defeat to Hana in the First Year War changed Katsuhiro's attitude (and his hair cut). Now a member of Hana-Gumi.
Mutou Renji: Member of the Umehoshi Family and resident of room 1. Considered one of the strongest and smartest students in Suzuran. Founding member and tactician of Hana-Gumi.
Nakamura Ginji: Before even becoming a student at Suzuran Ginji assisted Kazumitsu by capturing a member of Jet Black Scorpion for questioning. Fought and lost to Daizen Tsutomu 3 times in middle school. Joined Tora's dart club.
Nakano Yoshimasa: Over confident freshmen at Suzuran who was eliminated from the First year War via a head-butt from Butcher.
Noma Daigo: Beat up three Housen students in an alley which triggered a series of events that would eventually start the war between Suzuran and Housen.
Oosugi Naoki: Prematurely taken out of the First Year war by Amachi before the final rounds could commence.
Ozaki Ken'ichi: Tacticion of the Hana-Gumi. Brutally defeated by Amachi during the First Year War. Reluctantly joined the Hana-gumi, but now one of it's most dedicated members.
Sakota Takefumi: Member of the Umehoshi Family and resident of room 6. Feared in his middle school days as the "Kishi Mid Dinosaur". Frontline fighter of the Hana-gumi.
Sawaguchi Masaru: (AKA Pudding) Nicknamed after a failed attempt to steal pudding from a convenience store during his elementary school days. Went to the same middle school as Yaita Ikumi.
Takayuki Yonezaki: Lone wolf and alumni of Suzuran. Currently working in a bar in Roppongi.
Tominaga Toranosuke: Member of the Umehoshi Family and resident of room 3. While not the strongest student at Suzuran, what Tora lacks in brawn he makes up for in heart. He loves to play darts and is always ready to speak his mind against injustice. Extremely knowledgeable in school and gang politics. In the same class as Hana.
Yaita Ikumi: Former rival of Sakota Takefumi, but now a comrade and fellow member of the Hana-gumi. Disabled in the Freshmen War due to food poisoning.
Yamaguchi Ranmaru: Tokio's right hand man. Joins Hana-Gumi after Harada Faction disbands. Long time aquaintance of Abo and responsible for coercing him into figting Hana in order to keep Hana on his toes. Always bumming cigarettes.
Yumita Tomohiro: Prematurely taken out of the First Year War by Amachi before the final rounds could commence.
anging out with Guriko. Graduated.
Asai Takahito: After losing to Hana, Butcher was allowed to maintain the FBI, but was suggested by Renji that Takahito join Hana-Gumi as a liaison between the two factions.
Aoyama Kouji: (AKA Aoji) Freshman at Suzuran during Hana's sophomore year. Having lost to Tsutomu in middle school, Akaji doesn't bother to challenge him during the First Year War, but chooses to follow him instead.
Ban Kazuyuki: Sophomore at Suzuran and member of the Butcher Faction. Long time friend and school mate of Kamata and Tamara from Jet Black Scorpion, Kazuyuki secretly betrays Butcher by informing the JBS of Suzuran's every move.
Daizen Tsutomu: (AKA Tetsuwan Tsutomu) Winner of Suzuran's First Year War during Hana's sophomore year. Challenged Guriko on his first day at Suzuran. Later joined Hana-Gumi after challenging and losing to Hana. Got his scars after flying through a coffee shop window while fighting Mitsunori.
Fukamachi Keita: Second in command of the Butcher Faction.